sunday for the lord, yes

subbing at a church service is much fun gig for me. as i no longer have a regular church job, it's been great going around town and fill-in for different congregation and denominations over the years. the funny thing is that playing the music is the easiest part, HAHA. every service is slightly different, and every church/choir/peeps do something bit different. yet because it's a sunday service, often, they all know WHAT TO DO, except me, the fill-in. so sometimes things get exponentially silly, and today was one of those! 1. st. clair-lawrence bus: i got up early enough to do 5k run before the service. totes forgot to check it was the subway-bus day. check google, should make it just on the nose. system dawdles. and i make it with 1 min to spare. post-work out dash. 2. choir warm-up/review for service: goes smashing well. get into a discussion with a member about rando thing while making notes on bulletin for the day *ex. what to sing, where i play, what's spoken,...