ANIMA: concert going and anger

thom yorke, cred: MediaPunch/REX/Shutterstock

so this thom yorke anima tour was amazing.

the visuals are stunning. even from scotia arena non-premium seat, the video was amazing.  this is the first time ive been convinced that video can be art- like, not just a medium carrying messages, but could be an abstract artistic discipline of its own.

supposedly inspired by flying lotus (whos also doing a 3D show this year), i think anima's done what flying lotus wanted to do- a magic mashup of audio/video. (yes, i did go to the flying lotus show...)

with these amazing videos (content-wise and technically)-

if kandinsky, miro and klee had seen shows like this, and had options to do similar thing, would theyve stuck to the flat, still 2D world?

a virtual palette where you can have any shades at any gradation available? true white light and true black? only thing that is missing is texture...

honestly the most beautiful videos ive seen in a LONG WHILE. i think northern lights come close but then still, it's very close.

and so im drooling over the visuals, and the music's awesome.

two kids(though prob in early 30s) in front of me decide to stand up and dance. the dude behind them (im one-off to side) sighs but says nothing. i tap on their shoulders asking them to seat down- im on row F, there's many at the back, trust me. i get a dirty look, they hesitate, but they seat back down.

then in last two numbers, they stand again. kids behind me start yelling 'sit down,' they dont care. i tap them again (we really cannot see, as they are large). they flick fingers and continue their dance.

instead of seeing the pinnacle of the video/show, now im just seeing bodies bopping in boring ass duples.  as the songs continue, i start to add more things in my head.

now im just seeing sluggish bodies boppin in boring ass duples.

now im just seeing uncoordinated sluggish bodies boppin in boring ass duples.

now im just seeing uncoordinated sluggish bodies boppin and ricochet in boring ass duples.

now im just seeing uncoordinated, armpit-wet, sluggish bodies boppin and ricochet in what they think is a boring ass steady duples.

now im just seeing uncoordinated, armpit-wet, sluggish and sallow bodies dressed in climate change shirt, claiming fake solidarity (as clearly they are not giving two fucks about others), boppin and ricochet in something that's got nothing to do with the beats on real time from the stage.

now im just seeing the reality where evolution is too slow to weed out people who are savages, and no education or social code can override selfishness, and this is why this uncoordinated selfish fucks are dancing and denying the rest of people behind them what they all came for- arts. instead, we are blocked off from great beautiful visuals, and are stuck with gyrating morons.


i was quite infuriated. this was the first time in long time that i really wanted to slap someone on the face, hoping to break a tooth. of course, it didnt happen. sigh.

i can imagine one of you guys saying: but it's a concert, they can stand up to dance when they feel the music? NO, they shouldve bought floor tickets then, it WAS an option. why are they not on the floor? cuz they couldnt imagine carrying their soggy asses on their limp legs for the duration of the show?


but you are right. i shouldnt degrade people in my head because im angry at them. that's just me being stupid.

im now convinced that video art is a real thing, and going to go obsess about it for awhile.
my anger probably flowed away from me, and joined its own little self in the great river styx.

i think may be, now that im done being angry, those two humans (yes, while i was angry, i did conveniently forget that they are humans. i donno) were simply caught in brief blindness. such things are easily fuelled by excitement.  may be they knew that they were being happy on expense of others. may be they thought their happiness was worth the expense of others. or may be they thought 'it's a concert, lighten up and dance, biatch!'

as more shows get these superb visual elements in, it's becoming harder to know how to behave, may be.  at the massive attack show, the visuals were more of documentaries and real films, and it was a smaller place. people actually sat and stayed sitting.  but in scotia arena, with that abstract visuals (SO STUNNING let me tell you once more time...), may be they didnt realize how beautiful and impacting those videos were for others (i mean me).

eventually the concert going public will figure out what to do in those shows. i say when in doubt, get a standing room ticket/floor ticket/whatever you call it, the one that lets you stand and dance.

till then, i guess i will just have to 'make up' the last 8 minutes of anima tour. ha!

thom yorke, you are amazing.
and whoever made those videos for the tour, you are amazing.
thank you, nigel godrich.
and monkey, play nice, please.


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